The 3-Part Equation to Accurately Allocate Time for Any Activity

Every activity has three parts Activity = Prepare + Do + Clean up  In our quest to organize our lives, we often fail to account for an important factor when planning our days: the hidden time segments enveloping each activity. Those pockets of preparation and wrap-up are not idle periods but vital constituents of each activity that we tend…


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Every activity has three parts

Activity = Prepare + Do + Clean up 

In our quest to organize our lives, we often fail to account for an important factor when planning our days: the hidden time segments enveloping each activity. Those pockets of preparation and wrap-up are not idle periods but vital constituents of each activity that we tend to underestimate, leading to an accelerated heartbeat, raised cortisol levels, and that all-too-familiar sensation of running late. Once again.

Each activity we engage in can be deconstructed into a three-stage process: Preparation, Execution, and Decompression. Or Recognizing this tripartite structure is the first step toward improving your time management skills.

If the concept of time estimation seems daunting, breaking down an activity into its three fundamental components can help you allocate your time more accurately and efficiently. Every endeavor has its setup and cleanup time; acknowledging this will lend a newfound precision to your scheduling.

Consider my daily exercise routine on the stationary bike, a 30-minute activity at its core. Yet, when dissected, this ’30-minute’ workout balloons into a full hour. The additional half-hour accommodates the prerequisites and aftermaths of the workout: changing into workout gear, prepping the equipment, hydrating beforehand, as well as post-exercise protocols such as putting away the equipment, cooling down, rehydrating, showering, and changing back into regular clothes.

1h = 15 m + 30 m + 15 m

Remember, underestimating the duration of an activity is an oversimplification. When you truly acknowledge the necessity of preparation and decompression time for each task, you will not only mitigate stress but also elevate the efficiency and effectiveness of your daily routines. The reality is that any activity demands more time than it ostensibly seems when we consider the comprehensive time frame—before, during, and after. Embrace this reality to master the art of time management and transform the way you plan your days.

Typical 3-part activities

ActivityPrepareDoClean Up
BreakfastGet the cutlery and food
Set table.
Eat and drinkClean up the table and clean up.
WorkoutChange clothes,
Get equipment ready
ExerciseRemove equipment,
shower, get dressed
MeetingGet material ready,
Read invite and agenda,
Take notes of questions to ask,
Walk to the room
Login to Zoom
MeetingWrite down some notes,
Schedule follow up activities,
Walk back to desk.
Go to moviesGet ready and dressed,
Travel to venue,
Find parking,
Walk to cinema. 
Watch the movieGet to car,
Drive home.
Sample 3-Part Activities