A Neurodiversity-Friendly Way Of Daily Planning To Supercharge Everyone’s Productivity

Introduction In the hustle and bustle of daily life, juggling multiple tasks can be overwhelming, especially for individuals with neurodiversity. Struggling to estimate the time required for each task, completing them, and being bombarded with an ever-growing list of to-dos are common challenges faced by many. However, there’s a game-changing approach that can transform your…


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In the hustle and bustle of daily life, juggling multiple tasks can be overwhelming, especially for individuals with neurodiversity. Struggling to estimate the time required for each task, completing them, and being bombarded with an ever-growing list of to-dos are common challenges faced by many. However, there’s a game-changing approach that can transform your productivity and help you achieve your goals: Activity Planning.

Activity Planning: The Key to Success

Activity planning is a different method that offers a fresh perspective on organizing your day. Unlike traditional task-oriented approaches, activity planning focuses on structuring your day around activities with designated start and end times. But what exactly distinguishes an activity from a task?

Activity planning is particularly effective for neurodiverse people. Traditional time management approaches are made for neurotypical brains but don’t work for people with a different way of thinking. Often traditional planning tools may create even more anxiety than help if your brain is wired differently. This is where Activity Planning comes in – a gentler approach to time management and day planning.

Understanding the Difference: Activities vs. Tasks

Tasks are typically items on a to-do list, while activities have specific durations and designated time slots. While it might seem like a subtle distinction, thinking in terms of activities can significantly impact your productivity. Activities are more manageable and fit seamlessly into your daily schedule, empowering you to make the most of your time.

Overcoming the Challenges of Traditional Task Lists

The conventional way of managing tasks involves prioritizing and sorting them, hoping that they will somehow get done. But for individuals with ADHD-like symptoms, time-blindness, or context-based memory, this approach falls short. We need tailored solutions to unleash our full potential and embrace productivity.

Activity Planning and Time Blocking are a Perfect Match

Time Blocking involves assigning specific tasks to specific blocks of time in your schedule. For example, you might block out 9 AM to 11 AM to work on a specific report, and then 11 AM to 12 PM to respond to emails. This approach is task-oriented, meaning each time block is associated with a specific task.

Time blocking works well if you have lots of tasks already in your to-do list.

What works even better than time blocking is the combination of activity planning and time blocking. You can use an activity as a time block as it has a start time, and end time and a duration. All you need to do is to your tasks to the activity / time block.

Activity planning gives you a broader view of how your day is structured. Adding activities as time blocks is a good way to make time for tasks.

Embracing an Activities Plan : The Benefits

1. Realistic Day Plans: With Activity planning, you won’t end up with an overwhelming list of tasks. Instead, your day will be thoughtfully structured around activities, promoting a sense of accomplishment.

2. Enhanced Focus with Time Blocks: Working in time blocks devoted to specific activities helps enhance your focus and eliminates distractions, leading to greater productivity.

3. Clear Structure: Activity planning provides a concrete plan for your day, outlining what you’ll be doing and when. This clarity reduces uncertainty and keeps you on track.

4. Track Your Progress: By incorporating activities into your day, you can easily monitor your achievements over time, which serves as motivation to keep moving forward.

5. Optimal Task Allocation: You can strategically allocate tasks based on the best time of day for their completion, aligning with your peak productivity hours.

6. Reduced Anxiety: Knowing that your entire day is mapped out alleviates anxiety, allowing you to approach each activity with confidence.

7. Realistic Time Management: Activity planning prevents you from deceiving yourself into thinking you can accomplish more than what’s humanly possible in a day.

Getting Started with Activity Planning

To embrace this empowering approach, all you need is a pen and paper or an electronic calendar. Begin by listing all your activities for the day, assigning each activity a specific time slot. Then, assess your list of tasks and determine when you can tackle them during your designated activity blocks. For instance, use your 30-minute coffee break to read through the agenda for an upcoming meeting.

Exploring Activity Planning Apps

For those who prefer the convenience of technology, consider using apps designed around activity-based Planning principles. The Prepd app is an excellent option, offering a user-friendly interface that seamlessly integrates activities into your daily schedule.


Incorporating Activity-based planning into your daily routine can be a game-changer, especially if you face challenges with traditional task lists. By focusing on activities with designated durations, you can streamline your day, boost productivity, and achieve a more fulfilling and balanced life. Embrace this neurodiversity-friendly approach and witness the transformation in your productivity and overall well-being. Try activity planning today and unlock your true potential!