10 Productivity Hacks To Try During ADHD Awareness Month

The 2023 ADHD Awareness Month theme in the United States is “Moving Forward with ADHD.” https://www.adhdawarenessmonth.org.  At Prepd, we aim to share productivity tips that can especially benefit our users with ADHD. While these tips don’t require an app, the Prepd App can be instrumental in implementing these productivity hacks. Try those hacks for one month and see…


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The 2023 ADHD Awareness Month theme in the United States is “Moving Forward with ADHD.” https://www.adhdawarenessmonth.org

At Prepd, we aim to share productivity tips that can especially benefit our users with ADHD. While these tips don’t require an app, the Prepd App can be instrumental in implementing these productivity hacks.

  1. Focus Interval Training:
    • Concept: Alternate between high-focus tasks and low-focus tasks, much like interval training in fitness.
    • Implementation: Designate specific times for intense focus tasks followed by simpler, more relaxing tasks. Use a planner or pen and paper to visually represent these intervals.
  2. Energy Mapping:
    • Concept: Track energy levels throughout the day and plan tasks accordingly.
    • Implementation: Rate your energy levels at different times of the day for a week. Based on this, schedule demanding tasks during high-energy periods.
  3. Task Anchoring:
    • Concept: Associate a challenging task with a routine activity.
    • Implementation: Pair a daily routine (like having coffee) with a task. For instance, “After morning coffee, I will answer three emails.”
  4. Sensory Grounding Breaks:
    • Concept: Integrate the five senses to bring oneself to the present moment.
    • Implementation: List things you can see, hear, touch, smell, and perhaps taste in your immediate environment. A grounding exercise for overwhelming moments.
  5. Chunked Task Lists:
    • Concept: Break down tasks into mini-tasks to avoid overwhelm.
    • Implementation: Create a list for a large task and break it into smaller steps, making them more manageable.
  6. Top 3 Priorities:
    • Concept: Focus on the three most critical tasks for the day.
    • Implementation: List your three tasks they must accomplish that day. In the Prepd app you can mix task and activities in your daily schedule. List the 3 tasks you need to achieve today a the top of your schedule, then create actives in your schedule where you focus on achieving the tasks.
  7. External Accountability:
    • Concept: Committing to someone else can boost task completion.
    • Implementation:  Add a note under each task and write down who you told about your task or activity turning them into an accountability partner.
  8. Visualization Space:
    • Concept: Picturing the end result can boost motivation.
    • Implementation: Use a note under an activity and describe the desired outcome of a activity. 
  9. Skill-Building Blocks:
    • Concept: Dedicate time blocks to hone specific skills related to ADHD management.
    • Implementation: Use weekly themes, such as “Time Management” or “Impulse Control.” Allocate time blocks to practice and refine these skills. In the Prepd app, you can design templates for these themes, activating them as needed.
  10. Feedback Reflection:
    • Concept: Reflecting on what went well and what didn’t can help refine strategies.
    • Implementation: Use a note for daily reflection where you can jot down successes, challenges, and insights about their ADHD management strategies.

Try those hacks for one month and see if they assist you with executive functions.