Mono Task

Day Planner

The App

✏️ Plan your day
✈️ Run your day
💭 Reflect on your day

Time management is hard. The Mono Task app for iOS lets you put your day on autopilot and helps you to achieve a balance between productivity and life. One task at a time.


The app’s mission is to make productivity accessible for all, regardless of time management abilities. Not just for the typical timers – we’re here for those wrestling with time, procrastination, and task execution.
#ForEveryone 🚀


A Fresh Approach to Productivity

With Mono you can squeeze more out of your day. Put your day on auto-pilot and have a more balanced life.

The app is available on the Apple AppStore.

Change is in the air.

Mono – One Task at a Time

For those who struggle with the
perception of time this app is a game changer

Day Schedule

Begin with your routine activities, then fill in the gaps with the tasks you aim to accomplish that day.

Time Blocking

Create time blocks and add your daily activities. Embrace the strategies used by productivity experts.


As your day progresses, Mono will notify you about upcoming activities or tasks. Count on Mono to inform you about the time spent and when your next activity is set to begin.

Stay Sorted

Simply drag & drop to rearrange, and watch the magic as your schedule auto-adjusts the start and end times.

Spend less time updating your schedule, let it keep you updated instead.

Gain a healthy balance between work and life.


Users and counting

It’s like binoculars for time blindness.

Time either passes in light speed or not at all. Know that feeling? Then Mono may just be the right app for you. Know how much time you have available. You will be surprised to see where your time goes.


Get ready for


Interactive Widgets

Live Activity & Dynamic Island

Notifications for what’s next

Helpful block

Here is to the Lazy Ones.

Here’s to the lazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the lazy ones, we see genius when accommodated with the right tools.


Let’s go to the Mono.

Testimonials & Reviews

Some Love From Users

Jenny P

Via TestFlight

I enjoyed testing the app and love how some of my feedback made it into the app.

Tom C

From Testimonials

The free version app is great. To get the most out of the app get the Pro version though.

Cara F

Via Email

For someone with ADHD this app is a total life saver. I actually start things and finish them more often. Love it.

Wait, there is


Made for every brain

Growing user base

Neurodiversity friendly

Exclusive for iOS


Some of Our Favourite Features

Here are our favourite features that make Mono the most impactful tool on your iPhone.


Features we love

New in iOS 17


For iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15 and 15 Pro.

Dynamic Island

Stay on top with
